
We're sorry...there are currently no enrollment openings for Spring 2025.

1. Thoroughly review all the information on our website while considering enrollment to see if PEFS may be a good fit for your child.

2. After reviewing the website, please ask any additional questions you may have by emailing admin@prairiesedgeforestschool.com.

3.  If you are ready to be considered for enrollment, please fill out the enrollment interest form below and pay your $100 deposit* online in our “Tuition and Fees” section, or by clicking on the green “Pay Deposit” link below.  Please do not fill out enrollment form or pay deposit unless we have enrollment openings announced above.

*The deposit will hold your child’s spot in the program if there is still space available. This will be credited towards your tuition if your child is enrolled.

4. Once your form and deposit have been received, you will be emailed a Parent Handbook and asked to schedule a phone interview with a staff member. Please read the entire Parent Handbook before your interview to make sure that PEFS is the environment that you would like to choose for your child.  Questions asked in the interview will help us get to know your child and their comfort in nature. This will also be a great time for you to interview us to determine if this program is a good fit for your family.

5.  Should the instructors believe your child will likely thrive at PEFS, the parent/guardian will be notified by email. The parent/guardian will also be notified should the child not be accepted, and your deposit refunded.